Artistic Exhibitions and Activity
2012 - “Art House Reveal”, Online Competition, January 2012 Awarded Critic’s Choice
2011 - “Being Human”, Juried Competition, Union Street Gallery (Chicago Heights,
October 12 – November 10, 2011.
2011 - “64 Arts”, National Juried Competition, Buchanan Center for the Arts, (Monmouth,
September 9 - October 22, 2011
2011 - “2011 Art Kudos International Online Competition”,, August 15,
2011 - “Galex45” National Juried Competition, Galesburg Civic Art Center (Galesburg,
March 12 - April 9, 2011
2008 - “Destruct/Construct” Juried Competition, Union Street Gallery (Chicago Heights,
September 12 – October 10, 2008.
2008 - “2008 Art Kudos International Online Competition”,, August 15,
2008 - “ARTinterview Onlne Magazine International Online Competition” (New York,
NY &
Berlin, Germany) 1st quarter, 2008. Third Place winning and prize
2003 - “Off the Walls”, Exhibition, Quad City Arts Center (Rock Island, IL)
December, 2002 - January, 2003.
2001 - Personal Artist Exhibition at Quad City Arts Center, (Rock Island, IL) December
28, 2001.
2001 - “Riverssance Arts Festival” (Davenport, IA) September, 2001.
2001 - “MFA Art Under Glass Exhibit” (Davenport, IA) March - May, 2001.
2000 - “Riverssance Arts Festival” (Davenport, IA) September, 2000.
1999 - “Iowa College Salon XXI Juried Competition”, I.S.U. (Ames, IA), January -
March, 1999.
1998 - “Summer Sensations” Juried Competition, University of Northern Iowa,
(Cedar Falls, IA), July 1998. Third Place winning and prize
1998 - “48th Annual Quad-State Juried Exhibition” (Quincy, IL) May - June, 1998.
1998 - ”Iowa College Salon XX Juried Competition”, I.S.U. (Ames, IA), January -
March, 1998.
1997 - “MFA Art Works Window Walk” (Rock Island, IL), September - November, 1997.
1997 - “Summer Sensations” Juried Competition, University of Northern Iowa,
(Cedar Falls, IA), July 1997. Third Place winning and prize
1997 - “Davenport Museum of Art Bi-State Competitive Art Exhibition”
(Davenport, IA), July - August, 1997.
1997 - “MFA Art Under Glass Exhibit” (Davenport, IA), June - August, 1997.
1997 - “Iowa College Salon XIX Juried Competition”, I.S.U. (Ames, IA), March - May,
Featured in Publications
- The Cheiftain (Interview article for Blackhawk College), December 2007.
- Selected to illustrate book for OT Department of St. Ambrose. “Occupational Therapy
as a
Career”, Copyright 1999.
- Featured in 1996,1997, 1998 editions of Quercus. St. Ambrose's annual journal of
literary and
visual art.
- Quad City Times (Arts & Leisure), August, 2001.
- Tractor (Iowa arts and culture), Spring 1998.
- The Dispatch and the Rock Island Argus, November, 1997.
- The North Scott Press, August, 1997.
- The Leader, July, 1997.
Donations Made to Public Events
- Anna (Banana) Weitz fundraising auction (Dubuque, IA) February 2011
- Red Ribbon Silent Art Auction (Davenport, IA) February, 2002 & 2000.
- Valentine’s Silent Art Auction (Rock Island, IL), February, 2001.
- Midcoast Great Mask Auction (Rock Island, IL), October, 2000.
Artist Statement – “Silent Language”
As a visual artist, I feel that my craft belongs to a speechless union that
communicates from its works. The passing of time and languages throughout the world
threaten to change but this should not worry the mental narratives that I am portraying
in my paintings. I feel that the title of a painting is to be the most important
written component of a painting’s life as it indicates and hints at the artist’s
point of view about the piece. If my work can not convey this, then I feel as if
I have let the viewer down. Consider my statement of a silent language, to say so
much but with little words said.
Christopher Bradshaw